Media & Marketing

Communicating the importance and impact of the College to our °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø family and the community.

Media Relations

We are eager to assist reporters with needed information and visuals and will work to respond to your requests as quickly as possible. We are here to help you locate sources, arrange interviews or photography, and receive information on important issues.

Staff Contact: Josh Paine, Executive Director for PR & Institutional Advancement jpaine@athenstech.edu | 706-583-2552

Social Media

°ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø Technical College’s social media presence is intended to provide the College community with a venue to share thoughts, ideas, and experiences through discussions, postings, photos, and videos. The Office of Public Relations maintains including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. If you have content you would like posted, please submit a PR ticket on the employee .


We are always looking for photos of °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Ê¹ÙÍø students and events on campus. Please complete a PR Ticket on the to request a staff member to attend your event. (Subject to staff availability.) Previous photos taken can be accessed through our .

Press Releases

All official communication to the media is handled through the Executive Director for PR & Institutional Advancement. Please forward on-campus event information for assistance with promotion and publication. A minimum of two week’s notice is recommended.

Logos & Branding

There are three official versions of the logo that provide solutions for a variety of different creative formats and layout: the horizontal logo, horizontal logo with campuses, and centered stacked logo. These variations provide creative options to be used in different designs, formats, and layouts.

Website Updates

For website updates, please fill out our PR Ticket on the . Any questions can be emailed to jpaine@athenstech.edu.